I approved the final proofs and received this from my publishing specialist a few minutes ago:
Thanks so much, Gary! With the proofs approved, we are moving forward with preparing your proof copy. From file preparation to printing and delivery, proof copies typically take 4-6 weeks to arrive at your address. Hmm, I had forgotten this step in the process. I have been through this already, before I made some major changes. The earlier version shipped on May 30th and arrived June 8th. Because my book is small and simple in format, it usually goes through these procedures in about half the "typical" time. I am pretty certain the collection will be published in August, but I have adjusted the estimate from "in the middle of" to "towards the end". Anyway, I will post again on Tuesday. I'll give you a sneak peak at a new poem I'm writing about a canape.
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I received the final revised proofs on Saturday. The book looks fantastic, and I am certain that readers will find it interesting and, at times, provocative. Regretfully, in one poem there are a few words that I had italicized, but somehow in the final proof they are not. Yesterday morning I informed the publisher that I will be glad to approve the proof when this is corrected . I am awaiting a response. I ask the reader to check back again this Friday, when I hope to have some concrete info regarding a publication date.
I'm sorry to report that I have not heard from the publisher. Please check in next Tuesday when I hope to have heard something. And have a very pleasant weekend!
Please check back this Friday. I expect that by then I will have received and approved the Final Proofs, and have a good estimate of the publishing date. Thanks for your patience!
I have no news, but I am sure that by next Tuesday I will be able to say when the book will be published. There has been a slight delay because I discovered some really small things that had to be corrected. I have just this moment sent off the final revisions. I'm sure that by the end of this week I will receive and approve the Final Proof Copy, which is the last step before publication. So, hopefully within two weeks!
Although the poems are still unpublished, I would like to let you know that I will post every Tuesday for now. It is difficult to pinpoint when exactly the poems will be published, but it could actually be soon. I expect to approve the final proof copy this week and then the book enters the "publishing queue".